Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Ok so I know I say it all the time but this time I am really going to get back to blogging.  I have decided to change my blog from my photography blog to our family blog.  I would like to keep up with the funny things Connor does and also with things happening with the bun in the oven. 

Ok 1st off I am 16 weeks and I have a doct appointment tomorrow.  I am ready to go back and hear the heart beat and have her tell me everything looks good.  Sometimes it is hard going month by month not knowing that everything is fine.  I have felt a few flutters here and there but once he/she is moving all the time it makes it a lot easier to know everything is fine.  I have been having some rough leg cramps and yesterday my back started hurting pretty bad.  I also do not sleep good and I think that might be why my back was hurting so bad yesterday bc I prolly slept so wrong.  We should go 1st of February and find out if we are having a little girl or another little boy.  Either way I just hope it is healthy.

Well Connor man went back to school today!! YAY!! lol He was excited because he said he missed his friends.  Time for us to get back in a routine. 

Ok I will post later about our WONDERFUL Christmas!!

1 comment:

Melody said...

Yay! So happy you have this. I love your background & font. I am not that good yet! Lol. I will be checking for updates.




Prayers for Stellan



I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com