For those moms out there that work I have a question??!! Do you ever feel like you need to chose your job or your kids?? I work full time as an sales associate for an insurance company and I have the best boss in the world. My job is laid back, he does not pressure me (I think I put more pressure on myself sometimes), I love the people I deal with, and I love my job. I have always been one that DOES not take off work much. I just dont! Never really have. Yeah I am like everyone I dont want to get up in the mornings and go to work, I'm always late (another perk of my job boss really does not complain to much), but Im there! Well the other day my son got sick and I had no one that could stay home and watch him so I took off work. Called my boss and he was fine with it but then I started thinking well he has a meeting with Mrs. D @ 9:00, then Mr. B was supose to stop buy and I started thinking I should be at work and not home. I do this alot. Then there are the times that my mom stays home with my son & I go to work and I think I'm a bad mother I should be home with him. It is just so confusing I dont know what to do about this way of thinking. Im even like this with my husband he can be sicker than a dog and I have to call his boss and I'm afraid he is gonna lose his job that he really needs to make himself get up and go to work. His boss is also so good about when he needs to be off. I think it is just me!!! I believe I have a problem!! I think it is that I dont think that we are worthy enough and that we can be easily replaced and I dont (wait cant afford) either one of us to lose or jobs. Sometimes it is just hard being a mother and having a full time job!! Just to let everyone know I LOVE my son and I would love to be able to be a stay at home mom. It is just not in the cards for us right now. Thanks for listening to my rambles!!
Oh yes and I leave u with a photo of my handsome fella himself!! Took these for our Christmas Cards!

1 comment:
I agree completely!!! We talked about it last night I feel the same way! Love you! Connor is too precious!!!
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