Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pregnancy Highlights: 11 Weeks

I have seen some others doing this thought maybe I will keep up with my pregnancy also.

How Far Along: 11 1/2 Weeks

Size of baby: 4.15 cm

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Lost 8 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Some pants bc I am so Bloated!

Gender: Unsure

Movement: Not yet!

What I miss: having some energy.

Sleep: Not been sleeping good. Been getting up to pee alot still.
Symptoms: Frequent potty breaks, back pain, heartburn, fatigue, and feeling pulling and tugging!
Best Moment This Week: Having ultrasound yesterday and seeing my baby moving and heart just a beating!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out what this new bundle of joy will be.




Prayers for Stellan



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