OK so the new site is just about up and running. Still have a few things to fix and finish, but I am so excited and ready to make a change.
Last night I went and spoke with a local photographer that has been in the business 20+ years and has really made a name for herself and I got some really great ideas. She is going out of business and was so helpful to me. Her photos are just gorgeous and I felt honored that she even took time to speak with me. From our talk I realized that I really have to do things different when it comes to ordering and showing my photos. She told me that when she does a shoot she then brings the client back in one other time and sets them up in a room and shows them there photos on a projector. They then must order then. She said if you have your photos out there where they can look anytime they want and show everyone. Grandmas, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends then what is the need for them to buy a print. She said she just has them see the prints that day and order then when they leave they only have a vague memory of the print and cant wait to get it back and put up in there home. She said it also makes them appreciate her work a lot more! So with the unveil of my new website there will be a new way of showing my clients their proofs. There is no way I can bring everyone back and do a presentation of there photos so I have come up with something that I think will work for me and my business. I am going to have a locked proofing gallery where only who ever you give pswd to will be able to see your photos. Proofing galleries will only be opened for you to view for 7 days after that it is gone. If you have not placed order and want me to open gallery back up after them 7 days there will be $25 fee to reopen your gallery. I am not saying this is going to work in all cases and for everyone but I am going to try it and hopefully get more orders placed and more of my work out there on clients walls in their homes.
I am excited about the change that is about to happen!!