Saturday, September 27, 2008

Connor at the Fair

Well we took Connor to the fair last night. He loved it!!! His fav ride was the motorcycles. Imagin that! He was so funny when it stopped he said "momma I ride again?". When he does things like that I realize just how big he is getting. He understands to ask me if he can go again. Some days I think I can't wait till he starts Kindergarden and other days it makes me so sad seeing how big he has gotten. I was looking through some old disc yesterday and there were some photos on there from when he was born. He has changed so much!! I just had to take a brake from typing this because Connor need to go poopoo in the potty on the way in there he said "I not poopoo in my pants NO more". Man is he so smart!!!

Here is a pict of Connor in his big boy underwear. He is so handsome! Well he is ready to go do something so I better go.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fair week!!

Well it is fair week in Hampton this week!!! I guess we will take Connor to the fair tonight and then take him to the ballgame Friday night!! All he wants to do is ride the dirt bike. I have got me a motorcross rider on my hands. I put my little niece in the pageant Tuesday night and she WON!!!! Go Ava Cole!!!! Her and her Linnie make a great team!!
Well I am at work and it is 6min till we close and so I must get my things together. Later

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hey I am new at this blogging and just thought I would post one today to say Hi that I am here and hope to see you again.




Prayers for Stellan



I changed my font at